Uniform Policies
Opportunity Charter School is a uniform school. OCS believes there are numerous benefits to wearing uniforms, such as improved behavior, increased security, and focusing on academics rather than apparel. Students should wear their uniforms with pride to represent OCS and respect its ability to prepare them to be productive citizens.
Students who abuse the uniform policy will be held accountable, and parents/guardians may be required to come to the school to bring in appropriate attire and/or attend a meeting. We do not allow hats, beads, gang flags, du-rags, low-hanging pants, see-through clothing, exposed undergarments, sweatshirts, sweatpants, jeans, or non-OCS colored sweaters or non-OCS shirts. Additionally, students may not be allowed to participate in any school-related enrichment activities if they are not in uniform during the school day. Families can purchase school uniforms from the store linked below or purchase non-logo polo shirts with a collar in white, gray or burgundy from any clothing store. For more information, please see the section: Student Discipline.
Students who abuse the uniform policy will be held accountable, and parents/guardians may be required to come to the school to bring in appropriate attire and/or attend a meeting. We do not allow hats, beads, gang flags, du-rags, low-hanging pants, see-through clothing, exposed undergarments, sweatshirts, sweatpants, jeans, or non-OCS colored sweaters or non-OCS shirts. Additionally, students may not be allowed to participate in any school-related enrichment activities if they are not in uniform during the school day. Families can purchase school uniforms from the store linked below or purchase non-logo polo shirts with a collar in white, gray or burgundy from any clothing store. For more information, please see the section: Student Discipline.
Middle School Uniforms
Not Allowed:
- Burgundy shirt with embroidered OCS logo
- Non-logo shirt with a collar in burgundy
- Burgundy OCS Logo Sweatshirt/Sweatpants
- Shirts MUST have a collar if there is no OCS logo on the shirt
- Light color khaki or Black pants or shorts (knee-length or longer)
- Light color khaki or Black skirts (knee-length or longer)
- No nylons, leggings or jeans of any kind!
- Sweatpants MUST have an OCS logo
Not Allowed:
- No cargo pants
- No jeans
- No shorts
- No leggings
- No skirts shorter than 2 inches above the knee
- No Crocs
- No slippers
High School Uniforms
Not Allowed:
- Gray OCS Logo Embroidered Short Sleeve or Long Sleeve Polo Shirt
- White OCS Logo Embroidered Short Sleeve or Long Sleeve Oxford Shirt
- Non-logo Shirt with a Collar in White or Gray
- Gray OCS Logo Embroidered Pullover Sweaters
- Gray OCS Logo Sweatshirt/Sweatpants
- Black Pants
- Black Skirt
- Gray OCS Logo Sweatpants
- Black Pants
Not Allowed:
- No cargo pants
- No jeans
- No shorts
- No leggings
- No skirts shorter than 2 inches above the knee
- No Crocs
- No slippers
Gym Uniforms
Gym uniforms are not required for physical education classes and student may choose to remain in their OCS uniform. Gym uniforms are allowed to be worn all day only on days that student have physical education class. The only acceptable physical education uniform has an OCS embroidered logo on the shirt and pants. If they do not have PE class and wear their gym uniform, they will be considered out of uniform.
Dress Down Days
If there is a dress-down day for any reason; We will notify you before the day. If your child tells you there is a dress-down day and you have not received written notice or see it listed on our Public Events calendar, please clarify with a school staff member before sending your child to school out of uniform.