Educational Philosophy

At OCS we welcome all students in grades 6 through 12 regardless of background, or previous academic success. We place a strong focus on providing tailored individual and group instruction that help to identify and develop each student’s respective strengths and weaknesses.
Students are supported by highly trained staff who cultivate an engaging and comprehensive learning experience driven by a unique curriculum. This curriculum uses peer-to-peer skills-matching and a measured approach to enhance our students' cognitive thinking and classroom performance.
Because most of our students have heightened emotional, behavioral and social difficulties, our staff is supported by trained behavior specialists. These specialists assist teachers in adopting effective conflict resolution and intervention methods to ensure that both teachers and students function within a respectful and healthy learning environment.
Students are supported by highly trained staff who cultivate an engaging and comprehensive learning experience driven by a unique curriculum. This curriculum uses peer-to-peer skills-matching and a measured approach to enhance our students' cognitive thinking and classroom performance.
Because most of our students have heightened emotional, behavioral and social difficulties, our staff is supported by trained behavior specialists. These specialists assist teachers in adopting effective conflict resolution and intervention methods to ensure that both teachers and students function within a respectful and healthy learning environment.
Curriculum & Instructional
We use a rigorous curriculum based on the instructional Common Core standards. Individualized plans are generated using testing data, teacher input, and ongoing observations.
Our curriculum is designed to prepare students for the NYS Regents exams, and to develop college and career readiness. Our Learning Specialists work with students, both individually and in groups, to ensure that all learners are developing strategies and tools for academic success.
Our curriculum is designed to prepare students for the NYS Regents exams, and to develop college and career readiness. Our Learning Specialists work with students, both individually and in groups, to ensure that all learners are developing strategies and tools for academic success.